The Beginning

December 3, 2008
Welcome! If you're reading this, it is certainly because you stumbled across this blog by accident looking for something else. My other blog is a little more noteworthy but if you've found this one, truly you are impressive with the Google. This blog is not intended for public consumption but neither is it private, so feel free to stay and read if you like.

The purpose of this blog is to discuss music. I've run a political blog for years now, but for various reasons I've never really felt comfortable jumping from an analysis of the after-effects of an election in one post to a review of some new indie rock album in another, so I've shied away from writing about music as much as I'd like at that blog. Lately thought I've run across some really good albums that I've really wanted to write about, and been faced with the prospect of either suddenly blogging about music more at a political blog, spamming my friends with emails about bands that they may or may not care about, or not writing about those great albums at all. Since I obviously have no desire to keep all my fantastic thoughts to myself, the solution is a blog that is to focus entirely on music.

Obviously I am not paid to critique music, or I wouldn't need a free blog to do so. The reason I am not paid to critique music is because I don't know music as well as music critics do (who, despite their often useless opinions, still do actually know a lot of music and a lot about music.) Fortunately, I am not holding this blog out as a provider of serious music criticism. This is merely a forum for my thoughts on music that I happen to hear, which means I may not be writing about the latest indie rock sensation because I haven't gotten around to buying or listening to that album, and I don't really have to worry about being all that informed or insightful in my opinions. Truly this blog is for my own amusement. But no opinion worth having is not worth sharing.

So that's that. Let's begin.